You simply cannot reach your company’s full potential if you don’t clearly identify what exactly it is you want to do and how you propose to get there. And then-you’ve got this part down!-work like hell to make it a reality.
To start, or accelerate, your journey to greatness, the effort to execute on the potential you know in your gut exists, you MUST have a plan. And that plan needs to include financials and possibly an investor deck if you are raising capital. We don’t just “handle” all of that, our sole objective is to make you look great and we consider your success, our success. (And we love success.)
We have looked at hundreds of businesses over 20 years and know what it takes to properly craft the ins and outs of a solid plan. Hiring someone to create (or just look at) your plan, to stress test it, to shine the harsh light of reality on it, to dress it up for outside investors or funders is some of the best money you will ever invest. This decision will help you avoid wasted time, motion, and emotional capital.
How much are your time and investment actually worth to you? We charge and get paid $175 per hour. We work our asses off to be sure you feel the value of your investment in us.
To help get started efficiently please complete the form below as best you can. This will help us determine how many hours we think the engagement will take so we can have an honest discussion about what this will cost and expected timing.
If you are ready to roll go ahead and schedule a 15-minute complimentary Zoom meeting with us here.
Let’s go!